About Alternate History with Author and Editor BJ Sikes

BJ Sikes writes steampunk and alternate history. She co-edited and wrote stories for the steampunk anthologies Twelve Hours Later, Thirty Days Later, and Some Time Later. BJ is the author of the steampunk novel The Archimedean Heart.

Q: Is herding authors for an anthology indeed like herding cats? Why do you do it?

Some Time LaterBJS: Absolutely. As chief cat wrangler for all three of the Later anthologies, I had to coordinate deadlines and revisions for not just the fifteen or so authors, but also our publisher’s staff. Why do I do it? The power, obviously. But in all seriousness, it’s the satisfaction of being an integral part of a fantastic collection of stories.

Q: What was your favorite story to edit/write for the anthologies?

BJ SikesBJS: That’s a tough one. There are so many great stories and they vary so much in theme, style, and content. I had a great time writing my own stories, especially the first one in Some Time Later, “The Descent.” That one allowed me to get my mycological geek on. I’m partial to Lillian Csernica’s Japanese mythology-inspired stories because they are unique but still feel steampunk.

Q: How would you describe your writing style?

BJS: I write fantastical alt-history, usually set in the nineteenth century. My writing is character-driven but with plenty of action and Weirdness.

Q: What’s your next project and where can we find out about it?

BJS: My work in progress is a story about a young English girl whose parents get involved in a sinister cult in the Bahamas, circa alt-1908. Expect tentacles. You can visit my blog at bjsikesblog.wordpress.com or follow me on Twitter.

Thinking Ink Press

Listen to a few of their stories as read by the cast of Sage & Savant.

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