An Interview With A Pirate

Dress Like a Pirate

And now for a short but sweet interview with Captain Shayna of

Q: Cap’n Shayna, when did you first get interested in pirates?

A: Well, I started many lifetimes ago as a Washerwoman at Southern California Pleasure Faire, so I always knew a subculture was there. I took a left turn in 1978 or so when I heard my first Ramones song and went in a different direction; it wasn’t until I went to a pirate themed wedding that I realized that the subculture was still there.  Since I’m too punk rock for Renaissance, Pirate fits me perfectly.
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Season 1 #5 – Life Before the Mast

Doctor Petronella Sage thinks she has discovered a way to direct travel through time and space. By changing the Chladni design, Sage and Savant find themselves on a pirate ship and living life before the mast. While the life of a pirate is dangerous, finding a way to return to their own Steampunk world and the …

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Life Before the Mast

Life Before The Mast

Doctor Petronella Sage thinks she has discovered a way to direct travel through time and space. By changing the Chladni design, Sage and Savant find themselves on a pirate ship and living life before the mast.  While the life of a pirate is  dangerous, finding a way to return to their own Steampunk world and the laboratory of Dr Sage become quite a challenge.
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