Head Writer Eddie Louise had the chance to sit down with the folks over at The Steampunk Tribune. She discusses the podcast, where it came from, the concept of the episodes verses the seasons, and TransMIGRATIONS, the novelization of Season one. Here are some highlights, but you can read the entire interview here.
Like most of my stories, Sage and Savant came to me in a dream. Over the period of a couple of weeks back in 2015, I dreamed every single night that I was electrocuting myself for science! Unable to shake the dream, I started to write to discover WHY someone would do such a thing.
…similar to that TV show in structure, we more closely mirror the new series of Doctor Who – each episode is an adventure all of its own, but there are long arcs that occur over many episodes and even seasons. This summer we will be working on creating master synopsis for Season One and Two that will catch you up on the critical plot points. This way, folks can start fresh at Season Three knowing all the details they need to stay on top of the action.
There are two hard parts actually – first is the looming deadline. I am on the hook to write a thirty page script each and every month. AND I have to get that script completed early enough in the month to give our sound engineer enough time for recording, sound effects and music. No slacking off for me!
…the novels are opening up a whole new dimension of story for me and I am really looking forward to incorporating some of those ideas in Season Three.
Learn more about Eddie Louise on her website, or follow her on Facebook and Twitter.