What’s New with The Cog is Dead

In 1893 John Sprocket owned a small clock shop in Grimsby, England. A clockmaker by trade, Mr. Sprocket was exceedingly fond of every aspect of clockwork. He especially loved cogs. Unfortunately, a man named Hamilton was developing a new kind of clock – one without gears or springs. Sprocket spent the next few weeks in deep depression, wondering what could be done to preserve his beloved mechanical clockwork.

Renate Goodwin suggested they travel to the future to see what impact these new timekeepers would have on the world. While on their travels, Ms. Goodwin heard a noise coming from an apple barrel on their ship. They had a stowaway, Bradley Harrington III. Captain Sprocket decided to put Harrington to work, making him the chronographic navigator.

They travel around the world in their flying timeship. spreading their mesage to the masses through musical entertainment.

John SprocketWhat is new for The Cog is Dead since we last spoke a year ago?
There’s a new album in the works. It’s a slightly different process than the first 3 albums, because each song includes the name of a person who helped us with a crowdfunded project – either with the full-length concert movie event, or with the Steamstock Train Tour we did with Frenchy and the Punk and This Way to the Egress. The prize offered was their name (or name of their choosing) would be written into one of our songs and released as a single. We got SO many names to work with that there is enough material for a full album! So, unlike our other albums (where we only release songs when it’s close to the album release) EVERY song on this album is being released as a single as the album is being made. This means that fans will get to hear the songs come out as they are written. And once all of the songs have been written/recorded/released then they will be compiled into the official full-length album which will be available on CD, digital download and streaming. It’s been exciting because we’ve never gotten so much immediate feedback on songs before. And with each song released as a single it’s been fun to see which ones take off and become peoples’ favorites. For instance, last January we released our first electro-swing song called “Never Gonna Get Away.” I was a little nervous because it’s the first Cog song to feature electronic dance drums – but to my surprise it became one of our most popular tracks!

One thing that is on our radar is your full-length concert video. Last time we spoke, it was still in process and now it is available. Can you tell us a little bit about that project?
Yes, the full-length concert movie is now available on DVD through our website! It was a big ambition and a passion project. From the time of starting the band I had always hoped to someday be able to make a concert film. There are several live concert films that I love to watch, and a big reason I love them is because it’s a way of preserving a band’s show for all time. Many of my favorite bands from the past have either disbanded or members have died, and there’s no way I would ever be able to see their live shows. But having a video of it allows me to see just what their concerts were like and they allow MANY people to enjoy them over and over for years to come. So that was the idea behind making one for our band. We’re a small independent band, and we don’t do road tours and don’t play many shows, and we’ve gotten messages from fans around the world who wish we could come to their country for a show. Since it’s not likely we’d be able to ever do a world tour, I wanted to capture one of our best shows on video so that fans everywhere can see our live show and enjoy it. We wanted it to be a high-quality professional production and we enlisted the help of And You Films (a professional video production studio) as well as many friends in the steampunk community to help us capture the show on video in the best way we could. I’m delighted with the final product and so grateful for the help and hard work of everyone who helped make it happen, as well as those who contributed with the expenses, and I truly hope everyone who watches it enjoys it as much as we enjoyed performing that night!

Are there any major ambitions for your year ahead you would like to share with us?
It’ll be a busy year with finishing up the rest of the songs for the next album, and I’m not sure there will be time for much else, but I’m excited to see the rest of the songs come together and flesh out the album. I’m really happy with the new music and can’t wait for the next album to be completed!

Is there anything you would like us to trumpet for you?
The Live DVD is available at www.thecogisdead.com and we hope everyone enjoys the new album as it comes together!

Where to find The Cog is Dead

Website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube

You can read more about The Cog is Dead in their previous interview.

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