We are releasing a series of short mini-episodes this summer to help you pass the time until Season 4 begins on August 1st. These are a series of special glimpses into the minds of our heroes. This summer we will be getting a deeper look into the private thoughts and struggles of Justin, Abigail, Erasmus and Petronella as they struggle to come to terms with the realities of Transmigration.
M01: Dr Sage, In the Laboratory
We discovered a series of hidden documents and will be transcribing them throughout the summer. This first recording was discovered separated from the rest of Dr. Sage’s records.
M02: Professor Savant, A Journal Entry
In this episode, the Professor sheds a little of his naivete – but will it be enough to help him find his love?
M03: Justin and LUCI
Justin and the Computer known as LUCI work on re-establishing the telesensation connection with Doctor Sage. Can the vastly superior technology of the far future help us discover what the doctor is up to?
M04: Dr Sage meets Cunningham
In this episode, an article for entanglement takes us back in time to a Petronella we’ve never met before – a young student arguing for her chance to become a scientist before the man who would become her adversary.
These special episodes are available on our Patreon page. There are more to come!