Eddie Louise has had a lot of experience writing. For example, as a child, she composed dozens of nonsense songs to keep herself company as she herded cattle across the lonely plains of Wyoming. By the time she was sixteen years old she had written nearly one hundred memorandums of complaint to various teachers and school administrations. Discovering the theater led her to write melodramatic plays full of artful alliterations, which in turn led to composing the book for her first musical as she relaxed on the beaches of Monterey. A temporary career writing soul-sucking corporate literature sent her running far away to Edinburgh Scotland, where the atmosphere, the castle and the alcohol combined to inspire a jazz vocal fantasia based on plainchant, a string quartet about a dripping faucet, a short dramatic film about a magical camera, an opera based on the Fates, and two novels that shall not be named. Since that time she has landed in sunny Southern California where she makes a living as a ghostwriter and continues to try out different forms of authorship including, but not limited to English as a Second Language Textbooks, a Victorian Science Fiction novel series and a monthly speculative fiction audio-drama – The Tales of Sage and Savant.
Eddie Louise writes the episodes and plays Dr Sage.